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- This board is for discussing topics to do with techno occultism or neo paganism. - no nsfw
anonymous - Date: 28-11-2024 #12

I love Nick Land, I just wish I could understand him :'(
nocturnal - Date: 04-09-2024 #10

ODA NEWSLETTER This is something I've been planning for a while but never got round to, it's hopefully going to be a semi frequent round up of relevant news articles that relate to the interests of the ODA, and myself. Things like tech/science advancements, wearable tech/biohacking, net neutrality/internet privacy, FoS, FOSS, as well as Christianity/Spirituality in the internet age.
nocturnal #10-6 Report
nocturnal #10-7 Report

First up is neuralink: The first human trial for the neuralink device was a great success. There were minor issues with the implantation procedure where a pocket of air may have dislodged a number of the filaments, despite this however, the team managed to crack the current BCI bandwidth record by miles.
nocturnal #10-8 Report
This is a great rundown of the procedure from the head researchers and developers on the team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux5AiKmra-E and lex fridman posted an 8 hour long interview with Musk, Mathew MacDougall, Bliss Chapman, and Noland himself - the first human to get a neuralink. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbk9BiPhm7o
nocturnal #10-9 Report

Next up is the FOSS movement in the EU: In july of this year the Swiss government required that all software in use in the public sector has to be open source, this comes after german state Schelswig-Holstein also made the move towards linux and libre office and away from microsoft in april of this year.
nocturnal #10-10 Report
This is great for so many reasons, governments can save money, create jobs for developers, improve national security, and, by putting tax money into the FOSS ecosystem, positively impact not only their own citizens, but people all around the globe. Mental outlaw has a video going into this which is definitely worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EE80b73QVw
ODA - Date: 22-12-2023 #8
Spirituality for the Transhuman: What if you didn't need to give up progress to explore religion? What if the next step for humanity could be beautiful, rather than abomination? The ODA thinks there is something holy in human ingenuity, and believes we can make a new world that is both amazing and safe. Read more at: https://ordoaeonis.org/about/
Techno Occultism
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- This board is for discussing topics to do with techno occultism or neo paganism. - no nsfw