- For discussing new wiki entries/edits or other meta topics.

dimitrischloup - Date: 29-11-2024 #8

I want to inform all other edditors about a site called effedupmovies. Its a very good source for finding gruesome and banned films that are mentioned on the higher tiers
nocturnal #8-2 Report
ooh nice yeah that's useful https://www.effedupmovies.com/
AnonEMuss #8-3 Report
No FUBAR, no dice

nocturnal - Date: 01-09-2024 #7

Just created a youtube video about Christine Weick, a christian activist who is best known for her schizo rant about monster energy being satanic. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2JWD3w5QrU As well as the wiki entry: https://utladal.com/wiki/monster_energy_satan

anonymous - Date: 27-06-2024 #4

Did you create all the articles?
nocturnal #4-1 Report
No there are a few other editors as well but most of T1 i did which is why some of them seem kind of rushed, but its all stuff like google or whatever so nobody is going to be reading them anyway lol.

nocturnal - Date: 04-06-2024 #3

If you have clicked this by accident this is the board for discussing the wiki, the actual wiki home page is at https://utladal.com/wiki

nocturnal - Date: 01-05-2024 #1

everyone make sure to check out the iceberg viewer, ik its not super obvious on the wiki home page https://utladal.com/wiki/iceberg_viewer


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