- This board is a meta board for discussing utladal: bugs, problems, updates etc. - no nsfw

nocturnal - Date: 27-02-2025 #47

test post
nocturnal #47-52 Report

nocturnal - Date: 26-12-2024 #46

Merry Christmas all!!!!
nocturnal #46-51 Report
just testing things are okay test test

nocturnal - Date: 15-11-2024 #45

New major update, Boards now have a cool new look! Boards also have a spot for banners although only /b/ and /nice/ have one so far, it would be greatly appreciated if anyone with some artistic talent and free time were to create a banner or two and have their artwork immortalised on their favourite board :p
anonymous #45-50 Report
Also, there is a new feature on the wiki which allows you to use the contents page to jump to the different chapters on the page. This will, however, only be active on newly submitted entries, but you can test out the functionality by taking a look at https://utladal.com/wiki/sneako

nocturnal - Date: 27-08-2024 #44

New look for the wiki pages check it out: https://utladal.com/wiki/furries I know ive been neglecting the boards a bit but i will get round to making those look a bit nicer soon too.

nocturnal - Date: 10-08-2024 #43

Both main and wiki home pages have had a bit of a face lift, hope you guys enjoy! I'm currently working on more invisible things to help with speed and optimisation atm but will come around with more updates to make things prettier soon, so stick around to see them :P >pic not rel

nocturnal - Date: 16-06-2024 #42

/b/ is still accessible btw but im just taking it off of the front page for the moment
nocturnal #42-42 Report
back up :p

anonymous - Date: 07-04-2024 #41

going to create a wiki page on here for this https://files.catbox.moe/e5iwob.jpg it will take a while but it will be cool once its finished.
anonymous #41-39 Report
ahh why is the link parser still fucked
nocturnal #41-40 Report
fixed :)

AnonEMuss - Date: 24-03-2024 #40

Homepage Randomized Messages General /rmg/ This thread is for suggestions of messages that can appear on the front page of Utladal >friends are like snow; if you pee on them they go away

nocturnal - Date: 22-03-2024 #39

bug with not being able to post without an image is now fixed
nocturnal #39-38 Report

anonymous - Date: 17-02-2024 #27

im aware the home page is scuffed again on mobile, will get round to fixing it eventually
nightwish #27-24 Report
nightwish #27-25 Report

crystepsi - Date: 01-02-2024 #21


nocturnal - Date: 30-01-2024 #20

im removing some old boards, anyone have any ideas for boards you would like to see added?
niggerchildsku #20-11 Report
>tfw no /goon/ board
nocturnal #20-12 Report
take your porn addled mind elsewhere heathen

AnonEMuss - Date: 07-01-2024 #19

need /o/ channel so i can post my hilarious and original car memes
anonymous #19-9 Report
your wish is my command

nocturnal - Date: 24-12-2023 #18

only just noticed the new nginx setup broke posting and commenting lmao but its fixed now
nocturnal #18-10 Report

nocturnal - Date: 22-12-2023 #17

old links are fucked now because i changed where parsing to client side might get around to fixing them eventually but just leaving it for now
nocturnal #17-8 Report
fs need to add an edit button
nocturnal #17-45 Report
nocturnal #17-49 Report

nocturnal - Date: 16-12-2023 #16

nightwish is now ready to release, click on the nightwish tab on the left hand menu to see commands and invite to your server

nocturnal - Date: 15-12-2023 #15

doing lots of work on nightwish atm will make an open discord invite once im finished so anyone can invite it to their discord server

nocturnal - Date: 07-12-2023 #14

you can now create an account, atm it just allows you to reserve a name that no one else can post under and will default set it as your display name but you can choose any display name still. in the future im going to add more benefits and integrations with my discord bot but that wont be for a bit. :)
Anon_E._Muss #14-3 Report
Can't use spaces in usernames?
nocturnal #14-4 Report
not since making the user account functionality although tbf i might allow it for non user display names

Anon E. Muss - Date: 04-12-2023 #13

Also the "politically" in /pol/ is missing an L
anonymous #13-2 Report
oh shit thanks
nocturnal #13-43 Report

Anon E. Muss - Date: 04-12-2023 #12

Date format is still fucking with me

Nocturnal - Date: 20-11-2023 #11

btw i only started making this about a week or so ago to teach myself webdev so dont be too harsh about my design choices im still iterating

anonymous - Date: 16-11-2023 #8

posts now show comment count bellow the post, click on the post to see the 10 most recent comments, or click on 'all comments' to see all comments
anonymous #8-1 Report

anonymous - Date: 16-11-2023 #7

just changed to mongodb, not sure if this is stable but ive deployed anyway :)

Nocturnal - Date: 13-11-2023 #4

what new boards would people like to see?
anonymous #4-1 Report
No anonymous image board is complete without a /pol/ board
anonymous #4-2 Report
Ah okay true

Nocturnal - Date: 13-11-2023 #3

Okay fellas, the time has finally come, the image update is here. but be warned, its still in its early stages, you can currently post .jpg .png and .gif but if you try upload any other file type the post will still get sent but your image wont be.

Nocturnal - Date: 12-11-2023 #2

Also i hope you guys are okay with the superior UK date format lmao

Nocturnal - Date: 11-11-2023 #1

images coming soon I promise


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