nocturnal - Date: 04-09-2024 #10

ODA NEWSLETTER This is something I've been planning for a while but never got round to, it's hopefully going to be a semi frequent round up of relevant news articles that relate to the interests of the ODA, and myself. Things like tech/science advancements, wearable tech/biohacking, net neutrality/internet privacy, FoS, FOSS, as well as Christianity/Spirituality in the internet age.
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First up is neuralink: The first human trial for the neuralink device was a great success. There were minor issues with the implantation procedure where a pocket of air may have dislodged a number of the filaments, despite this however, the team managed to crack the current BCI bandwidth record by miles.
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This is a great rundown of the procedure from the head researchers and developers on the team: and lex fridman posted an 8 hour long interview with Musk, Mathew MacDougall, Bliss Chapman, and Noland himself - the first human to get a neuralink.
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Next up is the FOSS movement in the EU: In july of this year the Swiss government required that all software in use in the public sector has to be open source, this comes after german state Schelswig-Holstein also made the move towards linux and libre office and away from microsoft in april of this year.
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This is great for so many reasons, governments can save money, create jobs for developers, improve national security, and, by putting tax money into the FOSS ecosystem, positively impact not only their own citizens, but people all around the globe. Mental outlaw has a video going into this which is definitely worth a watch:
nocturnal #10-11 Report

Now back to Mr Musk, as all tech news seems to do lol: Brazil blocks X/twitter for all citizens after the site refuses to back down on FOS stance.
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Now this is a tricky one. The current Brazilian government wanted to crack down on online posts which were supportive of the previous administration, something I would be totally against, and seemingly Elon was as well, no matter how bad the previous government was. However, X doesn't appear to be consistent on this view as in many countries like turkey or india, where perhaps it's not worth it to lose out on the money, they do often comply with dodgy government take down requests, much like other platforms including meta.
nocturnal #10-13 Report
Freedom of speech doesn't have a side in politics, it slowly gets eroded by the left and the right as both sides find things they don't enjoy people talking about, and I do believe one day it will come for your views, and my views, until we're all lobotomized working in the amazon underwater mega factory with our voice boxes removed. It is ultimately a good thing I think, for X to push back against this type of over-reach, and they will have taken a sizable financial hit for it too, but I do think there are some points that need to be discussed around FOS on X.
nocturnal #10-14 Report
One of the main reasons Musk initially joked about buying twitter was the blatant left leaning censorship that many people could see happening on the site, but now, after the acquisition, I can't shake the feeling that things might just be swinging in the other direction. Don't get me wrong though, I think the balance has been far better than under Dorsey, and I can now see arguments from both sides *inside* the Overton window, but more and more I also see somewhat racist and "anti-woke" takes, yet very little from the far left. Perhaps this is just my "personal algorithm" and I'm secretly more racist than I realise but I've also seen this complaint from further left individuals too. In all honesty, I don't mind crazy out there ideas from both sides of the isle, I'm somewhat Jreg coded in that sense, and some of the racist memes *can* be funny! but if you're going to have one I want to see the other too, or neither.
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I also want to quickly mention that many individuals have speculated that this move by Musk could more be due the current Brazilian government leaning more to the left than the previous administration, and the governments which the company appears to be more favourable towards lean more to the right, although I'm not sure these claims are heavily substantiated.
nocturnal #10-16 Report
But perhaps this *is* just the real Overton window shifting, there has been a lot of resentment building up in the working class (who previously were the left) against exactly the views of the new far left, and that has pushed a lot of them into this right wing populism bubble which has been very clear to see in Europe as of the last year. Perhaps we *are* coming to the end of the "woke" zeitgeist and conservativism/neoliberalism (whatever any of those words mean), but who's to say, certainty not some random retard on a niche image board website that's for sure.
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Finally I wanted to finish up with a fun story: Is Mr Beast the Antichrist?!?!?! Mr Beast has been all over internet news lately, first with the "Ava Kris Tyson Situation" and later in videos by youtuber dogpack404, in which he alleges many things from employee mistreatment and gambling scams to knowingly hiring a registered child sex offender. This "lifting of the veil" has now lead to the wider internet uncovering multiple different posts made by (possibly schizophrenic) individuals over the years which all compare the rise of Mr Beast with the words of revelation 13.
nocturnal #10-18 Report
I'm not going to lie, it is very fitting, but I think the point to be made here is more about the fact that Mr Beast is likely not as nice of a person as he would like you to believe, his workplace culture is probably not great, and there are a lot of questions to be made around the frequency of sexual degeneracy in that circle. He's *probably* not the anti christ though. To me it's more just that this verse was written to give guidance to people that someone who "performs miracles" and appears to be great might not always be a good person, which is just very fitting to this situation. Although... the fact that Ex employee and friend of Jimmy, Chandler, recently got baptized and is now reading bible verses on TikTok *is* somewhat worrying lol.
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Thank you for reading and god bless.